Other Places to Find Singles GoldCoast
Last revised: 4 April 2024
Work, Conferences, Gym, Shopping, Ski Resorts, Organisations (community, service clubs, political, causes), Volunteering, Concert Bands, Theatre... There are so many places you can meet people with common interests.
It just makes sense to go where possible matches might be...
Sure, people have hangups about meeting people in their own workplace, but on another hand it makes sense, then on another hand, there are other offices and clients with similar expertise. Let's face it, maybe same industry, similar levels of intelligence and similar passions - fair chance.
Similar to above, but often conferences feel a bit like you're on holiday. There's the chance of a catch up at the bar after the conference day, which leads to dinner, and who knows? Similar interests, intelligence. Keep your eyes open.
Lots of attractive people who are into fitness are found at gyms. If you're into that, you might as well be where others with similar tastes are.
Walks / Runs
Like above, I'm told plenty of fitness freaks are found at places like the Thousand Steps in Ferntree Gully and on the Tan. Fun Runs, park runs, mini marathons also attract fitness fans. Things like Tough Mudder too.
Ok, getting a number at a shopping centre takes balls, but it happens sometimes. Most girls (and some guys) love to shop, work or hang out at shopping centres like Chadstone. They're there. Say hello.
Ski Resorts
We say a bit about this on our singles holidays guide. If you like the snow (and the bar at the end of the day), it is a good place to meet others that like it too.
If you're a caring or community active person, put yourself where others like that are. Try out a community group. Worst case scenario, you can be involved in something positive and rewarding, best case you meet someone similar.
Service Clubs
Rotary, Rotaract (young Rotary), Lions, Apex, etc. These groups do wonderful things for others, and have a great bond amongst themselves. They get out in the community, but also offer networking and personal development. Take a look.
Let's be blunt... Over 70% of Young Liberals are well educated males. Labor has a lot of idealists/unionists, Greens have lots of pot smokers. The general Liberals have lots of business people, and self funded retirees. There's loads of singles of all ages there.
Causes / Volunteering
If you're passionate about a cause, get involved and meet others with a similar passion. You might get a road built for your community, you might help people learn, you might save a rhino, you might meet someone. Life saving clubs are another good one.
Concert Bands
If you like music, meet others that do too. There are lots of bands around, full of singles - many of them pretty shy singles. You won't find too many of these people at a nightclub. This one time, at band camp...
Amateur Theatre
Can you act, or make props? Amateur theatre has lots of singles. It's a bit similar to concert bands above. There are more girls than guys here, and it's a bit of fun.
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