Singles Meetups Guide Canberra
Last revised: 4 April 2024
There are groups on the Meetups website for people over online dating, South East singles, single parents, walking groups, comedy lovers, and heaps of other topics. They put on events and you can go to whatever you want.
The groups outline what they do. Some run ticketed events, some free events, some are almost discussion boards. You sort of have to check through the site and see what grabs you. Some of the groups I've seen are...
- Singles 30's to 60's
- Comedy Club Lounge Meetup
- I'm Sick of Online Dating
- All My Friends Are in Couples & I'm Single
- Costume, fancy dress up and themed parties
- The Singles Game
Go take a look at the Meetups site and see what you like.
Facebook groups
There are many groups very similar to the Meetups above on Facebook. Do a search to see what's in your area. For example, in outer South East Melbourne there is...
- Singles of south east melb only (original SOSEM)
- South Eastern Singles And friends
- Casey & Cardinia Singles Group (Pakenham Berwick)
- Pakenham and Berwick social singles group
- Berwick & Outer South East Melb Super Singles 18-30 & 30-45ish
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